Collective Action Alert: #4

Joining in bi-weekly Collective Action Alerts is an opportunity for us to act in unison and target our collective power to respond to the needs of the community.

Here are three suggested actions we can take over the next two weeks:

  • Unpack and Understand Environmental Justice
    This network is centered around environmental justice – let’s make sure we’re all in sync on what that means. If you haven’t yet, please take a moment to watch this 13 minute presentation by Brenda Coley, Co-Executive Director of Milwaukee Water Commons, explaining what environmental justice is.
  • Celebrate Black History Month
    Watch movies, read books, attend events, etc, to learn about and celebrate Black history! Check out events happening throughout Wisconsin and Milwaukee, including the African American Environmental Pioneer awards on Feb 20th.
  • Vote for Environmental Justice by Feb 21st
    The result of Wisconsin’s Supreme Court election will have a great impact on our lives and what we’re working towards. Learn about the candidates here and why this election is important. Make sure you’re ready to vote by Feb 21st!

Please do what you can to take at least one action every two weeks to be active in the fight against racism and systems of oppression.

Do you know of an action or initiative we can support from February 22nd to March 7th? Please visit the Contact Page to let Mandi know!

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