Who We Are
We’re a network of 130 community members and 20 Committed Partner organizations throughout Wisconsin. Our mission is to build a multiracial and multicultural environmental community and movement centered around environmental justice. We commit to working together to advocate for environmental justice, fight racism, decenter whiteness, and dismantle white supremacy so all people and the planet can thrive.

Why We’re Here
Our liberation as a society is tied together. By dismantling the systems of division and oppression within the movement, we can work together and have a greater impact that will benefit everyone. We can ensure that the people who are impacted the most by environmental hazards receive the funding, resources, and support needed to address it. We can also ensure that environmental benefits are equitably distributed throughout the community.

What We Do
Since Spring 2021, we’ve been creating opportunities to build community, learning about systems of oppression and how to dismantle them, and taking action in our community to further our mission.

  • Collective Learning & Action Sessions
    Community members meet regularly to work together and learn how systems of oppression show up in their lives personally, while taking action to effectively dismantle it.
  • Collective Action Alerts
    Collective Action Alert emails are sent every two weeks so we can act in unison and target our collective power to respond to the needs of the community.

Quarterly Network Meetups
Committed Partners and community members attend virtual meetups to learn about and address systemic issues in the environmental movement, and society as a whole.